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“As we struggle mightily to resuscitate our industry through the ‘Let’s Grow’ program, we simply can’t ignore the ways that ovine progressive pneumonia has thwarted those recovery efforts . . . I can think of no other topic that has had a bigger impact on us in the sheep business. Had we not eradicated OPP from our flock 21 years ago, I am certain we would not be in the business today.”

Introductory Info:

Testing for OPP:

Producer Stories:

Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial:

This trial ran from Fall 2013 through Fall 2017. For easy printing of selected pages, the files below have been excerpted from our 16-page final report. Click here to view the report in its entirety.


Genetics and OPP:

The use of genetic testing to increase flock resilience to OPP is a tool that can be utilized to mitigate the virus’s impact on flock productivity.  Its use has applications and limitations that shepherds should understand.  There is clear evidence that TMEM154 1,1 are less likely to become infected with OPP over their lifetime in the presence of continued exposure to infected animals.  The reservoir of the OPP virus in a flock is the infected animals that can be identified with serological testing.  If eradication of OPP is the shepherd’s goal, then removal of the reservoir by serological testing and culling of positive animals is necessary.  Follow up application of biosecurity principles and surveillance are necessary to maintain OPP negative status.

NOTE: The first two files below, a 2013 slide show and related paper, planted the seeds for Minnesota’s OPP Trial.


2023 Member Directory (print friendly format)

Info/Display Items (master copies for reproduction, reduce/enlarge if needed):

  • 3-Fold Brochure (Color, 8-1/2 x 11 paper, print both sides, fold)
  • Promo Cards (Color, 8-1/2 x 11 card stock, 4 cards/sheet, print both sides, separate/cut)
  • Small Poster (Color, 8-1/2 x 11 card stock)