Inclusion in this directory is not intended to indicate freedom from OPP, but rather an active concern about the effects of this and other diseases within our own flocks and within the North American sheep industry as a whole. We welcome purebred and commercial producers, breed associations, veterinarians, researchers, students, and all others who share our interest in ovine health issues.

Our membership represents many different breeds and many different situations. Member flocks range in size from fewer than a dozen ewes to more than 4,000. Some, despite repeated testing, have never had an animal test positive for OPP. Some began with stock from a clean flock, while others are in the process of eradicating the disease.

Updated on March 6th 2025, this directory includes members from 29 states, two Canadian provinces, and five breed associations. The information is as accurate as we can make it but details can change (and of course mistakes—typographical and otherwise—do occur). Contact individual breeders for specific information. Ask about test results, the current status of the flock, methods of eradication, etc.

We invite you to join in our mission to build awareness and provide education. Member dues ($15/year) are our sole funding source.
