Inclusion in this directory is not intended to indicate freedom from OPP, but rather an active concern about the effects of this and other diseases within our own flocks and within the North American sheep industry as a whole. We welcome purebred and commercial producers, breed associations, veterinarians, researchers, students, and all others who share our interest in ovine health issues.
Our membership represents many different breeds and many different situations. Member flocks range in size from fewer than a dozen ewes to more than 4,000. Some, despite repeated testing, have never had an animal test positive for OPP. Some began with stock from a clean flock, while others are in the process of eradicating the disease.
Updated on March 6th 2025, this directory includes members from 29 states, two Canadian provinces, and five breed associations. The information is as accurate as we can make it but details can change (and of course mistakes—typographical and otherwise—do occur). Contact individual breeders for specific information. Ask about test results, the current status of the flock, methods of eradication, etc.
We invite you to join in our mission to build awareness and provide education. Member dues ($15/year) are our sole funding source.
Just began testing.
Whole-flock ELISA negative in 2008. All incoming stock also test-negative.
UCD class of 2000.
Test regularly for CL and OPP. Some CL pos on first test were culled. Retested whole flock 2x; no new positives. Culture of all abscesses over 8 years all neg. Completed 4 whole-flock AGID tests for OPP; all neg. Have never had an OPP positive sheep. Entire flock scrapie genotyped at codon 171 and most at 136. SFCP Export Certified. NSIP
Just started testing. Had two positives in 2020; both culled immediately.
Tested by GeneCheck in July 2021; all negative (ages 6 mo to 8 yrs).
Three whole-flock AGID tests. OPP, B-ovis, CL-free. Traditional Hamps.
Culled to rid flock of OPP; purchased test negative replacements. Last whole-flock test October 2016 - 100% negative. Closed ewe flock since 2000. Written health guarantee re: OPP, Footrot. NSIP member, complete production and performance data available.
We have a closed flock with all animals tested for Codon 171 and TMEM 154. We do parasite testing and push for clean breeding stock. NSIP Member.
Will begin testing ewes in the summer of 2023
At Notkwyta Ranch, Inc, we have been raising commercial and registered Polypays for 30 years. Currently, we have about 45 ewes. The flock has tested OPP-negative for 30 years. Additionally, the flock has tested negative for Johne’s Disease, Q-fever, caseous lymphadenitis, and is RR for Scrapie and free from foot rot. Much of the flock is accelerated. Many of the ewes give us 3 sets of lambs every 2 years.
All OPP test-negative.
Foundation stock from OPP test-neg flock.
Entire flock OPP test-neg since 1998.
Purchased test-negative replacement stock following complete dispersal of the original flock.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
Entire flock negative by Elitest ELISA in Feb 2017, March 2018, and April 2020.
First whole-flock test in 2019, with whole flock negative result. We plan to continue to monitor and test moving forward to provide high quality breeding stock.
Reached test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2015.
Flock holds full test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program administered by the Board of Animal Health.
Achieved 100% test-neg status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial. OPP free
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2016; meeting program standards.
Achieved 100% test-negative status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial.
Purchased OPP test-negative seedstock in 2008 and 2009. Closed ewe flock holds testnegative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. No foot rot or CL.
We had a whole flock test in 2021 and maintained our clean status. Closed flock using AI for adding new genetics. We offer rams and females through private treaty and annual online auctions. NSIP
Eradicated OPP from 100% test-positive flock of Border Leicesters in 1997. Now retired from sheep, focus on mentoring.
Flock holds test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. NSIP
Orphaned flock in 1984; now holds test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Foundation animals purchased from OPP test-negative flocks in 2021. No foot rot or CL. Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Foundation animals purchased from OPP/CAE test-neg flocks/herds in 2019 and 2020. No foot rot or CL;test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Foundation stock purchased in 2003 from test-neg flocks. No foot rot or CL. Reached test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2010. NSIP
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. Entire flock negative by Elitest in 2020.
Siremax: NSIP/LambPlan
Moved from annual whole flock to random testing, OPP free since 2011. Eliminated OPP brought in with foundation ewes by testing and culling at 6-month intervals. SFCP Export Enrolled flock.
Now retired from raising sheep, Dr Onstott and her husband formerly ran a flock of 100 commercial Polypay ewes. OPP free after 3 years of test and cull.
Practice in mid-Hudson Valley; also licensed in Maine.
Pasture based flock, first tested in spring of 2017 with some positives. Will continue to test / eradicate with the Elitest ELISA.
Used orphan and 2-flock system. All negative after 2 years. Warranty 2 years after purchase OPP test-negative.
We select for parasite resistance and growth performance in a 100% forage based management system, utilizing raw performance data as well as NSIP EBV data to identify the top 10% of ram lambs and top 50% of ewe lambs to be offered for sale or used in our own flock for replacements.
Whole flock ELISA negative in 2017.
Specializing in old style stock for both breeds.
Random annual testing for OPP, CL and Johne’s all negative. Recently sold large number of ewes to the Stone Barns Center in Upstate New York and over 100 ewes to Iowa.
Purchased OPP neg flock in 2005; all incoming animals tested prior to arrival. We have maintained a healthy, scrapie resistant R gene flock. Accelerated Lambing. Production history since 2005. SFCP Export Monitored.
Both sheep and goats test-negative in 2021; NSIP
We lost our whole flock to OPP in 2020 and started over with negative tested sheep. We test every 2 years with all sheep tesing negative in 2024.
Initial whole-flock AGID in 2004 all neg. Regular testing via AGID through 2012. Whole-flock Elitest ELISA in 2013; all neg. Closed ewe flock. SFCP Export Monitored.
Registered, horned Icelandic sheep. Test negative 2/23, 3/23 and 9/23
One whole-flock cELISA test in November 2006; all negative. Tested 35% of ewes (dams of the rest of the flock) again in November 2007 with cELISA, plus 5 new sheep from a closed flock; again all negative. Continue to test 10% annually and all remain negative. Have never had a positive and the flock is now closed. SFCP Export Certified, DNA tested. NSIP
We see a lot of thin young ewes, hard bags, lungers, downer ewes at lambing, and some lameness. Pretty much tired of putting in the input costs and not seeing any benefits because OPP is robbing them.
Closed flock. Using LAI with New Zealand semen. Test-negative since 1998. SFCP Export Certified.
Our Katahdin flock concentrates on fast growth, sound confirmation, parasite resistance and sound hooves. NSIP enrolled, KHSI registered. We have biosecurity tested our flock since 2017 to maintain a healthy flock and have a closed ewe flock.
Ewes with high lambing percentage tested once for OPP with 4 positive; will continue testing with the Elitest ELISA.
Extension Sheep Specialist
Whole flock test negative since 2002; last tested 2014. We are so grateful to be OPP free! It has eliminated several problems.
Used test-cull with whole-flock AGID testing to reach 100% negative status. Will continue random testing to maintain neg status. Have seen all around improvement in flock health.
NSIP enrolled Registered Katahdin. 186 Ewes, 6-8 Rams (Herd Sires). Biosecurity Testing for almost 12 years. OPP negative tested flock. CL and Johne's tested negative too. Strict Quarantine for new rams. Closed ewe flock.
Hair sheep since 2013. Initial flock showed 50% Elitest-pos in 2017.Followed MN eradication plan with early weaning and segregation. Thanks for all the support and encouragement you provided us in our struggle. We conducted a whole-flock test a year after we completed our eradication program with 100% neg results. We’re so pleased . . . worth it despite the pain.
Began testing for OPPV in 2011; whole flock test-negative in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016; 30% retested annually, all negative. Also doing annual 30% sampling for CL and Johne’s, after several years of whole-flock testing, all negative. SFCP Export Monitored and most animals carry at least one "R" at codon 171. NSIP
We’ve been testing since we bought our first range flock (1998) and had a disaster. Being OPP free has increased flock longevity and decreased labor.
Used test/cull until ‘97, then embryo transfer and cull. Now have clean, closed flock. Breeding up with Kerry Hill semen on Border Leicester ewes. Now have up to 88% Kerry Hill.
Sheep are now all living elsewhere and I’m officially ‘retired’! However, I’ll continue to support the OPP Society financially moving forward since it definitely does good work.
All negative. NSIP
Closed OPP test-negative flock. SFCP Export Certified. More than two decades of data entered into the National Sheep Improvement Program database. Most of the flock DNA tested for OPPv susceptibility. All progeny ultra-sounded for carcass traits. Incorporating new English and New Zealand genetics into the flock since 2020. Caretaker of the Groverman Shropshire legacy looking to raise an old school adaptable Shropshire that is true to form and function: meaty, efficient, easy-fleshing, easy care. NSIP
Purchased CAE-negative goats after retiring from sheep dairying.
The health and well-being of each animal is a matter of pride for us.
Our eventual goal is 300 milking ewes that are pastured daily. Milking a little over 200 in 2022.
Grass based production system. Flock testnegative since 1991; last tested in 1997 Annually test purchased rams.
Partial-flock testing in 2013 revealed two OPP positive ewes, which were culled. Whole-flock test in 2014 was 100% negative. Last ewe addition in 2022 from OPP negative flock. Flock now closed.
Ms. J and Company is a sheep dairy farm milking 500 and with the goal of reaching 1,600 head. Breeding local dairy ewes to registered ASSAF semen imported from Spain as a way to reach the pure breed, with high milk production and good udder conformations.
100% negative whole-flock test in 2021; will continue to monitor.
Purchased starter sheep from OPP test negative flocks. Also test new animals
Longstanding test-negative flock.
Flock started in '94. Purchase from tested flocks and test all new animals. No positives. SFCP Select Enrolled.
Closed flock. All stock from Bets Reedy flock (see MN listing). SFCP Select Enrolled.
Raising lambs for custom butchering.
Six whole-flock AGID tests beginning in ’93. Used 2-flock system; then sold the positive flock due to cost of annual testing.
Testing for three years, no positives and a rigorous quarantine program to ensure we stay that way.
Strong interest in small ruminant medicine, particularly herd/flock health programs.
Tested yearly since 1991, complete flock negative. Currently test with University of Guelph’s Elitest ELISA. Studs TMEM154 tested for MV (OPP) susceptibility, and have been tested for Foot Rot Resistance as well as Cold Tolerance for many years.
Purchased CAE-negative goats after retiring from sheep dairying.
Ms. J and Company is a sheep dairy farm milking 500 and with the goal of reaching 1,600 head. Breeding local dairy ewes to registered ASSAF semen imported from Spain as a way to reach the pure breed, with high milk production and good udder conformations.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. Entire flock negative by Elitest in 2020.
Hair sheep since 2013. Initial flock showed 50% Elitest-pos in 2017.Followed MN eradication plan with early weaning and segregation. Thanks for all the support and encouragement you provided us in our struggle. We conducted a whole-flock test a year after we completed our eradication program with 100% neg results. We’re so pleased . . . worth it despite the pain.
Test regularly for CL and OPP. Some CL pos on first test were culled. Retested whole flock 2x; no new positives. Culture of all abscesses over 8 years all neg. Completed 4 whole-flock AGID tests for OPP; all neg. Have never had an OPP positive sheep. Entire flock scrapie genotyped at codon 171 and most at 136. SFCP Export Certified. NSIP
Whole flock ELISA negative in 2017.
Just began testing.
Reached test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2015.
Used test/cull until ‘97, then embryo transfer and cull. Now have clean, closed flock. Breeding up with Kerry Hill semen on Border Leicester ewes. Now have up to 88% Kerry Hill.
Sheep are now all living elsewhere and I’m officially ‘retired’! However, I’ll continue to support the OPP Society financially moving forward since it definitely does good work.
Purchased OPP test-negative seedstock in 2008 and 2009. Closed ewe flock holds testnegative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. No foot rot or CL.
Entire flock OPP test-neg since 1998.
Testing for three years, no positives and a rigorous quarantine program to ensure we stay that way.
100% negative whole-flock test in 2021; will continue to monitor.
Foundation animals purchased from OPP test-negative flocks in 2021. No foot rot or CL. Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Foundation animals purchased from OPP/CAE test-neg flocks/herds in 2019 and 2020. No foot rot or CL;test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Purchased starter sheep from OPP test negative flocks. Also test new animals
Foundation stock from OPP test-neg flock.
Closed flock. Using LAI with New Zealand semen. Test-negative since 1998. SFCP Export Certified.
Entire flock negative by Elitest ELISA in Feb 2017, March 2018, and April 2020.
Entire flock negative by Elitest ELISA in Feb 2017, March 2018, and April 2020.
Orphaned flock in 1984; now holds test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Flock started in '94. Purchase from tested flocks and test all new animals. No positives. SFCP Select Enrolled.
Closed flock. All stock from Bets Reedy flock (see MN listing). SFCP Select Enrolled.
All OPP test-negative.
Whole-flock ELISA negative in 2008. All incoming stock also test-negative.
Flock holds full test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program administered by the Board of Animal Health.
Culled to rid flock of OPP; purchased test negative replacements. Last whole-flock test October 2016 - 100% negative. Closed ewe flock since 2000. Written health guarantee re: OPP, Footrot. NSIP member, complete production and performance data available.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
At Notkwyta Ranch, Inc, we have been raising commercial and registered Polypays for 30 years. Currently, we have about 45 ewes. The flock has tested OPP-negative for 30 years. Additionally, the flock has tested negative for Johne’s Disease, Q-fever, caseous lymphadenitis, and is RR for Scrapie and free from foot rot. Much of the flock is accelerated. Many of the ewes give us 3 sets of lambs every 2 years.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2016; meeting program standards.
Whole flock test negative since 2002; last tested 2014. We are so grateful to be OPP free! It has eliminated several problems.
Grass based production system. Flock testnegative since 1991; last tested in 1997 Annually test purchased rams.
Purchased test-negative replacement stock following complete dispersal of the original flock.
Will begin testing ewes in the summer of 2023
Pasture based flock, first tested in spring of 2017 with some positives. Will continue to test / eradicate with the Elitest ELISA.
Used orphan and 2-flock system. All negative after 2 years. Warranty 2 years after purchase OPP test-negative.
Flock holds test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. NSIP
Used test-cull with whole-flock AGID testing to reach 100% negative status. Will continue random testing to maintain neg status. Have seen all around improvement in flock health.
Ewes with high lambing percentage tested once for OPP with 4 positive; will continue testing with the Elitest ELISA.
Whole flock ELISA negative in 2017.
Just started testing. Had two positives in 2020; both culled immediately.
We lost our whole flock to OPP in 2020 and started over with negative tested sheep. We test every 2 years with all sheep tesing negative in 2024.
Purchased OPP neg flock in 2005; all incoming animals tested prior to arrival. We have maintained a healthy, scrapie resistant R gene flock. Accelerated Lambing. Production history since 2005. SFCP Export Monitored.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. Entire flock negative by Elitest in 2020.
Siremax: NSIP/LambPlan
Closed flock. Using LAI with New Zealand semen. Test-negative since 1998. SFCP Export Certified.
Whole-flock ELISA negative in 2008. All incoming stock also test-negative.
Whole-flock ELISA negative in 2008. All incoming stock also test-negative.
Partial-flock testing in 2013 revealed two OPP positive ewes, which were culled. Whole-flock test in 2014 was 100% negative. Last ewe addition in 2022 from OPP negative flock. Flock now closed.
The health and well-being of each animal is a matter of pride for us.
Testing for three years, no positives and a rigorous quarantine program to ensure we stay that way.
Pasture based flock, first tested in spring of 2017 with some positives. Will continue to test / eradicate with the Elitest ELISA.
Longstanding test-negative flock.
Specializing in old style stock for both breeds.
Culled to rid flock of OPP; purchased test negative replacements. Last whole-flock test October 2016 - 100% negative. Closed ewe flock since 2000. Written health guarantee re: OPP, Footrot. NSIP member, complete production and performance data available.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
Achieved 100% test-negative status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial.
Used orphan and 2-flock system. All negative after 2 years. Warranty 2 years after purchase OPP test-negative.
Used test-cull with whole-flock AGID testing to reach 100% negative status. Will continue random testing to maintain neg status. Have seen all around improvement in flock health.
We lost our whole flock to OPP in 2020 and started over with negative tested sheep. We test every 2 years with all sheep tesing negative in 2024.
Purchased OPP neg flock in 2005; all incoming animals tested prior to arrival. We have maintained a healthy, scrapie resistant R gene flock. Accelerated Lambing. Production history since 2005. SFCP Export Monitored.
Our eventual goal is 300 milking ewes that are pastured daily. Milking a little over 200 in 2022.
Used orphan and 2-flock system. All negative after 2 years. Warranty 2 years after purchase OPP test-negative.
UCD class of 2000.
Moved from annual whole flock to random testing, OPP free since 2011. Eliminated OPP brought in with foundation ewes by testing and culling at 6-month intervals. SFCP Export Enrolled flock.
Raising lambs for custom butchering.
Culled to rid flock of OPP; purchased test negative replacements. Last whole-flock test October 2016 - 100% negative. Closed ewe flock since 2000. Written health guarantee re: OPP, Footrot. NSIP member, complete production and performance data available.
Achieved 100% test-negative status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial.
Used orphan and 2-flock system. All negative after 2 years. Warranty 2 years after purchase OPP test-negative.
We lost our whole flock to OPP in 2020 and started over with negative tested sheep. We test every 2 years with all sheep tesing negative in 2024.
Foundation stock purchased in 2003 from test-neg flocks. No foot rot or CL. Reached test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2010. NSIP
Purchased OPP neg flock in 2005; all incoming animals tested prior to arrival. We have maintained a healthy, scrapie resistant R gene flock. Accelerated Lambing. Production history since 2005. SFCP Export Monitored.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. Entire flock negative by Elitest in 2020.
Closed flock. Using LAI with New Zealand semen. Test-negative since 1998. SFCP Export Certified.
Three whole-flock AGID tests. OPP, B-ovis, CL-free. Traditional Hamps.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2016; meeting program standards.
Registered, horned Icelandic sheep. Test negative 2/23, 3/23 and 9/23
Culled to rid flock of OPP; purchased test negative replacements. Last whole-flock test October 2016 - 100% negative. Closed ewe flock since 2000. Written health guarantee re: OPP, Footrot. NSIP member, complete production and performance data available.
We had a whole flock test in 2021 and maintained our clean status. Closed flock using AI for adding new genetics. We offer rams and females through private treaty and annual online auctions. NSIP
Whole flock test negative since 2002; last tested 2014. We are so grateful to be OPP free! It has eliminated several problems.
Used test-cull with whole-flock AGID testing to reach 100% negative status. Will continue random testing to maintain neg status. Have seen all around improvement in flock health.
Began testing for OPPV in 2011; whole flock test-negative in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016; 30% retested annually, all negative. Also doing annual 30% sampling for CL and Johne’s, after several years of whole-flock testing, all negative. SFCP Export Monitored and most animals carry at least one "R" at codon 171. NSIP
NSIP enrolled Registered Katahdin. 186 Ewes, 6-8 Rams (Herd Sires). Biosecurity Testing for almost 12 years. OPP negative tested flock. CL and Johne's tested negative too. Strict Quarantine for new rams. Closed ewe flock.
Both sheep and goats test-negative in 2021; NSIP
We have a closed flock with all animals tested for Codon 171 and TMEM 154. We do parasite testing and push for clean breeding stock. NSIP Member.
One whole-flock cELISA test in November 2006; all negative. Tested 35% of ewes (dams of the rest of the flock) again in November 2007 with cELISA, plus 5 new sheep from a closed flock; again all negative. Continue to test 10% annually and all remain negative. Have never had a positive and the flock is now closed. SFCP Export Certified, DNA tested. NSIP
Pasture based flock, first tested in spring of 2017 with some positives. Will continue to test / eradicate with the Elitest ELISA.
Our Katahdin flock concentrates on fast growth, sound confirmation, parasite resistance and sound hooves. NSIP enrolled, KHSI registered. We have biosecurity tested our flock since 2017 to maintain a healthy flock and have a closed ewe flock.
We select for parasite resistance and growth performance in a 100% forage based management system, utilizing raw performance data as well as NSIP EBV data to identify the top 10% of ram lambs and top 50% of ewe lambs to be offered for sale or used in our own flock for replacements.
Just started testing. Had two positives in 2020; both culled immediately.
Tested by GeneCheck in July 2021; all negative (ages 6 mo to 8 yrs).
Used test/cull until ‘97, then embryo transfer and cull. Now have clean, closed flock. Breeding up with Kerry Hill semen on Border Leicester ewes. Now have up to 88% Kerry Hill.
Our eventual goal is 300 milking ewes that are pastured daily. Milking a little over 200 in 2022.
Both sheep and goats test-negative in 2021; NSIP
Foundation animals purchased from OPP/CAE test-neg flocks/herds in 2019 and 2020. No foot rot or CL;test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program.
Achieved 100% test-neg status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial. OPP free
Purchased OPP test-negative seedstock in 2008 and 2009. Closed ewe flock holds testnegative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. No foot rot or CL.
Our Katahdin flock concentrates on fast growth, sound confirmation, parasite resistance and sound hooves. NSIP enrolled, KHSI registered. We have biosecurity tested our flock since 2017 to maintain a healthy flock and have a closed ewe flock.
Flock holds full test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program administered by the Board of Animal Health.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
At Notkwyta Ranch, Inc, we have been raising commercial and registered Polypays for 30 years. Currently, we have about 45 ewes. The flock has tested OPP-negative for 30 years. Additionally, the flock has tested negative for Johne’s Disease, Q-fever, caseous lymphadenitis, and is RR for Scrapie and free from foot rot. Much of the flock is accelerated. Many of the ewes give us 3 sets of lambs every 2 years.
Achieved 100% test-negative status through Minnesota’s OPP Eradication Trial.
All negative. NSIP
Purchased test-negative replacement stock following complete dispersal of the original flock.
Will begin testing ewes in the summer of 2023
Flock holds test-negative status in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program. NSIP
First whole-flock test in 2019, with whole flock negative result. We plan to continue to monitor and test moving forward to provide high quality breeding stock.
Ewes with high lambing percentage tested once for OPP with 4 positive; will continue testing with the Elitest ELISA.
We’ve been testing since we bought our first range flock (1998) and had a disaster. Being OPP free has increased flock longevity and decreased labor.
We see a lot of thin young ewes, hard bags, lungers, downer ewes at lambing, and some lameness. Pretty much tired of putting in the input costs and not seeing any benefits because OPP is robbing them.
Six whole-flock AGID tests beginning in ’93. Used 2-flock system; then sold the positive flock due to cost of annual testing.
Used test-cull with whole-flock AGID testing to reach 100% negative status. Will continue random testing to maintain neg status. Have seen all around improvement in flock health.
We lost our whole flock to OPP in 2020 and started over with negative tested sheep. We test every 2 years with all sheep tesing negative in 2024.
Will begin testing ewes in the summer of 2023
Whole-flock ELISA negative in 2008. All incoming stock also test-negative.
Will begin testing ewes in the summer of 2023
Closed OPP test-negative flock. SFCP Export Certified. More than two decades of data entered into the National Sheep Improvement Program database. Most of the flock DNA tested for OPPv susceptibility. All progeny ultra-sounded for carcass traits. Incorporating new English and New Zealand genetics into the flock since 2020. Caretaker of the Groverman Shropshire legacy looking to raise an old school adaptable Shropshire that is true to form and function: meaty, efficient, easy-fleshing, easy care. NSIP
Siremax: NSIP/LambPlan
Both sheep and goats test-negative in 2021; NSIP
Just started testing. Had two positives in 2020; both culled immediately.
Initial whole-flock AGID in 2004 all neg. Regular testing via AGID through 2012. Whole-flock Elitest ELISA in 2013; all neg. Closed ewe flock. SFCP Export Monitored.
OPP, CL, Johne’s, Q-fever negative flock.
Tested yearly since 1991, complete flock negative. Currently test with University of Guelph’s Elitest ELISA. Studs TMEM154 tested for MV (OPP) susceptibility, and have been tested for Foot Rot Resistance as well as Cold Tolerance for many years.
Enrolled in Minnesota’s OPP/CAE Program in 2016; meeting program standards.
Specializing in old style stock for both breeds.
Whole flock test negative since 2002; last tested 2014. We are so grateful to be OPP free! It has eliminated several problems.
Used test/cull until ‘97, then embryo transfer and cull. Now have clean, closed flock. Breeding up with Kerry Hill semen on Border Leicester ewes. Now have up to 88% Kerry Hill.
Whole flock ELISA negative in 2017.
Random annual testing for OPP, CL and Johne’s all negative. Recently sold large number of ewes to the Stone Barns Center in Upstate New York and over 100 ewes to Iowa.
Longstanding test-negative flock.
Is YOUR breed association listed here?
All breeds are susceptible to the OPP virus, so all shepherds need to be aware.
Association dues are just $15 per year, $25 for two years, or $50 for five years